Hot-rolled and serrated for optimum strength and safety.

Cast-in Channel FES-H-S

The FES-H-S anchor channel from fischer offers an innovative fixing solution that combines maximum load-bearing capacity and safety. They set new standards with their load-bearing capacity in all directions and the excellent load-bearing capacity in the longitudinal direction in combination with FBC-S thanks to the full toothing of the system. This pre-positioned fixing solution is ideal as it covers on-site tolerances and is suitable for applications in both cracked and non-cracked concrete. In addition, fischer anchor channels offer a permanently adjustable fixing solution that meets the high demands of modern construction projects. With the FES-H-S anchor channel from fischer, construction companies benefit from durable, high-performance and secure fixing systems that meet the latest standards and fulfill the highest safety requirements.
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22 variante produktesh
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Legjenda = Miratimi ekziston = Miratimi nuk ekziston
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