The injection mortar for strong bonds.

Your advantages at a glance

ETA assessment:
The assessment (ETA) guarantees a service life of 100 years for post-installed rebar connections and anchorings in cracked concrete.
Transfer of high loads and variable anchoring depths
The epoxy resin mortar enables the transfer of high loads and variable anchoring depths in combination with the anchor rod FIS A.
Approval of the injection mortar
The injection mortar is approved for diamond-drilled and water-filled drill holes, as well as seismic applications of the performance categories C1, C2 and thus offers a secure hold even under extreme conditions.
Anchorages with the FIS EM Plus:
Anchorages with the FIS EM Plus can be carried out safely in sealing surfaces in accordance with the Water Resources Law with an official building certificate (aBG) and an additional report.
Broad range of applications:
The approved anchoring elements allow for a broad range of applications, including temporary and removable fixings with the internal threaded anchor RG M I made of zinc plated or stainless steel R.

Strong bonds for Western Europe’s largest infrastructure project

The Le Grand Paris project aims to unite the French capital with multiple suburban communities.
Western Europe’s largest infrastructure project will double the length of the Parisian métro network by 2030 and connect the city center to the suburbs.
In 14 years, 200km of additional rail lines with 68 new metro stations will be built. The FIS EM Plus was used to connect the floor slabs to the retaining walls by providing stability and durability to the project. To meet this demanding requirements, an additional ETA for the service life of 100 years was specially granted.

Four questions to a fixings expert

In a short interview, Dr. Thilo Pregartner, Head of Technology Transfer & Approvals, provides helpful expertise on our FIS EM Plus epoxy resin mortar. For what applications does an injection mortar need a service life of 100 years and why does the FIS EM Plus even have 120 years? Which additional product features are particularly helpful for the installer? The answers to all these questions can be found in the expert interview.

Developed and produced in Germany

The fischer injection systems are not only developed in Germany, but also manufactured in Germany. From the development of the formulation in the in-house laboratory to the mixing of the ingredients and the injection of the specially developed cartridges, everything is manufactured in one plant in the south of Germany.

The close coordination of the individual teams ensures continuous quality control and perfectly coordinated production processes. The many fischer subsidiaries enable us to react to customer needs and changing market conditions at short notice. In addition to the external ETA and ICC tests, the products are also tested in our own test laboratory after each production step, e.g. by means of pull-out tests. Thus the fischer injection systems meet the highest quality requirements

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Lasts for eternity

In the ETA assessments, anchorages and post-installed rebar connections can be regulated with a service life of up to 100 years.

However, the FIS EM Plus can do more. An official expert report from the IEA Stuttgart even confirms a service life for anchorages up to 120 years. Thus, our FIS EM Plus injection mortar endures an entire century and is perfectly suited for large and long-lasting construction projects.


First WRL-compliant anchorage with an official building certificate

Today, environmental protection is more than just a concern of the soul. Mainly, it is also about protecting our waters as the basis of our lives. Anchorages for installations that contain substances hazardous to water and are not themselves provided with two sealing levels must meet special requirements in accordance with the Water Resources Law (WRL) and the Installation Ordinance (AwSV).

These special applications require specially tested injection systems, such as the fischer injection mortar FIS EM Plus. The system has been officially tested by the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBt) and received an official building certificate for liquid-impermeable concrete (FD concrete).
For coated concrete, fischer has proven the WRL suitability of the fixing system by an accredited testing institute and an external expert report.

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The right injection mortar for strong bonds

  • The injection mortar FIS EM Plus can be used for post-installed rebar connections with diameters 8 - 40 mm. Even under seismic load and with a service life of 100 years.   
  • According to the approval, diamond drilling does not require additional roughening of the drill hole by using the FIS EM Plus, which saves time and money.
  • The rebar anchor FRA with connection thread made of stainless steel fully uses the load bearing of the concrete. This allows very high tensile loads to be introduced into the anchorage base.
  • Accessories suitable for the construction site such as injection aids and extension hoses ensure a quick work progress. The FIS rebar case contains all the necessary individual components and thus ensures convenient installation.

Resistant to all weather conditions

  • The approved installation temperatures from -5 °C to +40 °C enables all-season use on the construction site   
  • FIS EM Plus can be used in water-filled drill holes according to ETA approval and can therefore be used under all construction site conditions.
  • Even under extreme conditions, such as underwater applications, the injection mortar can be used without any problems in accordance with the ICC approval.

Triple pack of epoxy resin mortars

The FIS EM Plus assortment

The FIS EM Plus injection mortar is available in three different cartridge sizes. Thus, the optimal cartridge is available for every application.

The right dispenser ensures precise dosing and maximum installation comfort. The FIS DCD S battery-operated dispenser  is especially suitable for larger drill holes.

To the product online catalogue

Kompatible Anker und Verbinder

Ankerstange FIS A

Ankerstange FIS A

  • Die Ankerstange FIS A ist in den Größen M8 – M30 aus galvanisch verzinktem oder nicht rostendem Stahl R für die Verwendung mit FIS EM Plus zugelassen.
  • Variable Verankerungstiefen ermöglichen die optimale Anpassung an die jeweilige Anwendung und Lastanforderung.
Beton-Beton Schubverbinder FCC-H

Beton-Beton Schubverbinder FCC-H

  • Der FCC-H ist ein Bewehrungsstab mit Flanschkopf für die Verbindung einer Betonüberdeckung mit der vorhandenen Betonstruktur.
  • Der Beton-Beton Schubverbinder FCC-H ist bauaufsichtlich zugelassen für die Bauwerkssanierung, wie z. B. die Sanierung von Brücken, die Erhöhung der Traglast von Decken oder zur Verstärkung von Stützen.
Zum Beton-Beton Schubverbinder FCC-H
Bewehrungsanker FRA

Bewehrungsanker FRA

  • Der Bewehrungsanker FRA ist ein Bewehrungsstab mit metrischem Anschlussgewinde aus rostfreiem Stahl in den Größen M12 – M24.
  • Durch das Anschlussgewinde wird die Übertragung sehr hoher Zuglasten ermöglicht.
  • Der FRA ist zugelassen für nachträglich eingemörtelte Übergreifungsstöße und Anschlussbewehrungen.
Zum Bewehrungsanker FRA
Innengewindeanker RG M I

Innengewindeanker RG M I

  • Der Innengewindeanker RG M I ist in den Größen M8 – M20 aus galvanisch verzinktem oder nicht rostendem Stahl R verfügbar.
  • In Verbindung mit metrischen Schrauben oder Ankerstangen können mit dem RG M I wieder lösbare Befestigungen erstellt werden.
Zum Innengewindeanker RG M I


Bemessen kann so einfach sein

Die fischer Bemessungssoftware FIXPERIENCE unterstützt Sie als Planer, Statiker und Handwerker sicher und zuverlässig beim Bemessen Ihrer Projekte. FIXPERIENCE ist modular aufgebaut und für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen einsetzbar.

Der neue, modulare Aufbau des Programms umfasst eine Ingenieursoftware und spezielle Anwendungs-Module.

Für chemische Befestigungen sind vor allem die Module MORTAR-FIX (fischer Bemessungssoftware MORTAR-FIX | fischer), C-FIX (fischer Bemessungssoftware C-FIX | fischer), REBAR-FIX (fischer Bemessungssoftware REBAR-FIX | fischer)  und RAIL-FIX (fischer Bemessungssoftware RAIL-FIX | fischer) von Bedeutung.

Jetzt mehr erfahren

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Im Zuge der Tunnelinstandsetzung wurden die Treppenläufe für Fußgänger neu gebaut. Erdbebensicheren Halt gibt der ca. 20 Meter hohen Konstruktion unser FIS EM Plus Injektionsmörtel.
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Aufbeton Verbindungen

Nachträgliche Bewehrungsanschlüsse

Diamantgebohrte Bohrlöcher




Unterwasser Anwendungen

WHG-konforme Verankerungen
